
Chapter 5 Understanding and Using Texts

Chapter 5 explains the knowledge of text, the experiences, as well as the challenges that students face. It could derive from a multitude of texts, but English Literature is the most prominent one. Reading this chapter made me think of when I was a student. In middle school, my teacher was very good at engaging us into the text. It was almost like we didn’t need our books. We would act out plays to help with comprehension, and write short stories to help with grammar and punctuation. When we reached more challenging texts, she would introduce it to us in a unit. We would group up and learn small parts and come together as a whole to discuss and present what we learned.

In the text, I liked the parts about informational texts, narrative texts, and digital texts because I felt that I could relate due to experiences I’ve had and observations that I’ve made as a student. In the Hub, there are signs posted everywhere that catches my attention but sometimes they can be overwhelming and frustrating. There is simply too much information. I think that everything should be organized into one place. Instead of wasting paper and time they should create a website for advertising.

In this class, we are currently using digital texts. This website is an example of digital and narrative texts because we compose blogs and respond to readings thru use of technology. I appreciate technology because of its convenience and agree with the quote on page 134 that says “Compared with merely turning a page, some digital texts represent labyrinths of information.” Just think about our web site. Our home page is full of valuable information for students and faculty. Everything is so user-friendly that we rarely have to do anything in person anymore. Even new students will feel relieved because everything that they need to know about this university is conveniently located on the website.

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